Our cataloging team works diligently to make sure the part you get is correct every time but sometimes things happen despite our best efforts. If you think an item ordered by our catalog was incorrect, you can request that we review the information. In the event that our catalog was incorrect we may send, at our discretion after investigation, a return label for your item(s). Sometimes there is more than one possible part for an application and we will do our best to fix any issues. Shipping charges are non-refundable.
Returns on items are charged a restocking fee of 15%. Restock fees may be avoided by the customer being issued an in-store credit if they prefer. In the event that a return label is provided, these charges may be deducted from the total refund you receive. Original shipping costs are non-refundable and the buyer is responsible for return shipping charges. Items returned within 30 days may be eligible for a refund by company check or be refunded back to the credit card that was used to purchase.
Please allow up to 7 days for core charges to be processed, as we need to thoroughly inspect all parts before a refund is granted. Return shipping for core charge refund is the sole responsibility of the buyer and all cores must be returned within 30 days of original purchase. Shipping charges are non-refundable.